

A starting template of a Next.js project, setup with Redux Toolkit and Tailwind CSS 3.

Next JSReactRedux ToolkitTailwind CSS
28th Apr '22
4 min read


This template is a public repo on GitHub, and can be found here.


This project is setup with Next.js 12.1.4 and React 17.0.2.

It also includes Redux Toolkit 1.8.1, setup with a Redux Store and a test reducer.

Tailwind CSS 3.0.23 is installed and setup to work with Tailwind UI components, meaning that:

In addition to the 5 standard Tailwind breakpoints, I have added an xs breakpoint at 512px, and a 2xs breakpoint at 384px.

These can be used with classes just like the standard breakpoints, for example <div className='text-base 2xs:text-lg xs:text-xl sm:text-2xl'>.

Note that I have not installed the Tailwind typography plugin or the Tailwind aspect-ratio plugin. These are required for some Tailwind UI components, so should be installed as needed.


Feel free to clone this template or use it any way you see fit. However, the simplest way to get started is to:

  • Navigate to the template on GitHub.

  • Click 'Use this template'. Use this template button

  • On the next screen, fill-in a repository name and click 'Create repository from template'. Create a new repository

  • On the next page, click the 'Code' button, and in the dropdown, copy the url beneath 'HTTPS'. Copy the URL

  • In your local terminal, CD into the folder where you want to store the project. Then type git clone [THE URL YOU JUST COPIED], for example git clone https://github.com/jro31/my-new-project.git, and press Enter. Clone the repo

  • CD into the created repo, for example cd my-new-project. CD into the repo

  • Run npm install to install all packages (this requires that you have Node.js installed). Run npm install

  • To start the server, run npm run dev. Run npm install

  • Navigate to localhost:3000. You should see the following page: localhost:3000

  • To check that Redux Toolkit is working, click on the The test reducer state is true line. It should toggle between true and false.

    Test reducer true

    Test reducer false

  • To check that Tailwind CSS is working, resize the viewport (browser window). The CONTENT GOES HERE text should change size when:

    • Below 384px
    • 384px to 639px
    • Above 639px

    Screen sizes

If all of that is working, then you're setup and ready to go!

To do after setup

There are a couple more to-dos to do to get this project setup as your own. They are marked within the code with TODO tags.

  • You should update the public/favicon.ico file to your own favicon. Currently it is the 'Vercel' logo.
  • In package.json you should update the "name": "next-js-template", line to your own project name, for example "name": "my-new-project",. The next time you run npm install, your package-lock.json file will be updated with your project name.
  • In order to populate the <Head> tag with correct <title> and <meta> tags, in pages/index.js you should:
    • Update the appTitle variable to your project name.
    • Update appDescription to a description about your app.
    • Update baseUrl to the production URL of your app.
    • Add an images folder to public, and add an image file that you'd like to be seen when people share your app on social media. Then update socialMediaImagePath to the path of this image.
    • Update the <meta name='keywords' content='these, are, some, keywords, about, my project' /> line to be some keywords about your project.
    • Uncomment the <meta name='twitter:site' content='@my-site-twitter-handle' /> line and add the Twitter handle you want associated to your app.
  • If your app will have a navbar, you should put it in components/layout/index.js, above the <main>{props.children}</main> line.

And with that you're ready to go. Happy hacking!